Sunday, April 28, 2019

One of the things we learn in life is that it is our responsibility to make the world a better place. But how we should accomplish this is quite a challenge.

Then I heard about a guy who came up with a unique idea to improve the quality of life of others. And what follows is his account of the outcome of his plan to . . .

Compliment Three People Every Day

I believed "complimenting three people every day" shouldn’t be hard.
So I wrote ten compliments on a pad and transferred each to a business card.

I figured I could hand out at least three and probably all ten by the end of the day.
So I dressed in gray pants and a nice blue shirt, left the house, and went on my way.

I walked down Main Street, searching for someone to give a card to with pride,
And saw a teenage boy push an aged gentleman, who struggled to open a door, aside.

While his action rattled me a bit, I decided not to give up on my quest to find   
     someone deserving.
Then a man in uniform ignored a woman having difficulty pushing a stroller 
     over a curb, and this was quite unnerving.

Although taken aback by what I observed, I still believed I would find a worthy 
Instead, a man, seemingly helping another lying on the ground, stole his wallet 
     and jumped into a car.

A beautiful young woman, looking quite robust, jogged down the block at a rapid pace.
I called to her and reached out to hand her a card, only to be slapped across the face.

The day had just begun and my success rate had been far less than expected.
Not only had people treated others in ways I had not imagined, I had been rejected.

Just as I felt like calling the whole thing off, a young man came to the aid of a  
     child who had fallen down.
My elation soon diminished as the tot’s father screamed, “Get your hands off 
     my son, you miserable clown.”

What is the world coming to? I mused, as I decided to abandon my day’s intention.
With head bowed, I sulked, as I plodded home without paying much attention.

Then I felt a hand grab my arm and yank me out of the way of an oncoming car.
I looked up and saw the smiling face of a bedraggled, homeless man, as a 
     crowd cheered from afar.

Copyright © 2017 Alan Lowe. All rights reserved.

Making the world a better place begins at home, with our children. Getting to know them, as they grow and develop, is key to their future success in life.

However, keeping the door open, so we have access to them and they to us, is at times difficult. We need to keep in mind the benefits of . . .

The Joys Of Sharing

In today’s fast paced world, we sometimes lose sight of the important things—like sharing ourselves with our children. We become so involved in reaching our work and other life goals, we often leave them behind to grow up on their own.

Children tend to be more engaged in an electronic environment than a personal one. It is not uncommon to see two youngsters sitting back to back on a park bench pounding on their smartphones. While, on the surface, this may not trouble you, the fact they are communicating to each other should.

I have heard it said, “Children watch less television now than in the past,” but I have observed my grandkids’ alternative—the Internet. And schools are turning to teaching by computers, rather than teachers, and this makes me shake my head, for I grew up interacting with others and, in so doing, learned the value of communication—listening and being listened to, understanding, and caring.

Now, do not misinterpret what I am saying, as I did spend time in front of the TV, but my sister lay staring at the screen alongside me—making my life miserable. I shared my world with my sister, my folks, my friends, and neighbors—we talked and enjoyed each other’s company.

As I think about the future, I know we must return to the past, a time where we, as adults, realize that—
              knowledge with children
              opens the world to them.
              trust with children
              lets them know we believe in them.
         love with children
         allows them to receive the joy 
         and warmth needed to thrive.
              freedom with children
              provides them with the opportunity 
              to explore the world 
              and find their way.
         And sharing
              ourselves with children
              touches their hearts 
              and lets them appreciate 
              the joys of sharing.

Copyright © 2014 Alan Lowe. All rights reserved.

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