Saturday, June 15, 2019

I’ve never been good at choosing gifts to give on holidays and special occasions. So I write a check.

But is this appropriate for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day? This question puzzled me. And then, it dawned on me that the most precious gift to be given on these days is one we’ve already received. This becomes clear in . . . 

My Son, My Daughter

As I age,
I reflect on the things most important to me.
My son, my daughter,
you play a crucial role in my life.

Each day,
I think a lot about what you mean to me.
It is hard to choose the words
to describe my feelings.

You are my treasures—
special in every way.
Not many gifts can a father appreciate,
as I do you.

Our phone calls each week
bring us closer together and keep our lives intertwined.
To laugh with you, to cry with you, to hear the stories
of your adventures have been my good fortune.

It pleases me
you entered beautiful relationships and found fulfilling jobs.
I admire the life choices you made
and delight in your accomplishments.

Although we are separated by distance,
I will always be there for you.
Forever, I pray you achieve
the successes you so deserve.

You have given me more to be proud of
than I can describe in words.
It is my wish our love will continue to grow
and our bond will be everlasting.

My son, my daughter,
you are the world to me.
I am blessed
to have you in my life.

Copyright © 2014 Alan Lowe. All rights reserved.