Thursday, June 20, 2019

Sleep should be restful and peaceful. But sometimes it doesn’t work out that way.

Do creatures from outer space really exist? Or are you just having a nightmarish dream? You’ll soon find out in . . .

A Night To Remember

A loud noise interrupted my deep sleep—a weird shrieking sound. I thrashed around in my bed trying to free myself from the maze of tangled blankets. I rubbed my crusted eyes and managed to force them open. I scanned the room for the source of the din.

And then, what I saw blew me away. It was beyond my comprehension. As it moved forward, its eyes gawked at me. They glowed in the dark, projecting an eerie light. The blackened rings around them, surrounded by a soft, puffy tissue-like substance made me queasy.

My stomach began to churn. I could feel a burning sensation in my throat, as the acid sought an escape route. “God, I have to puke,” I muttered. Tears welled up in my eyes. I tried to move my legs, but they were frozen in place. I attempted to roll over, but nothing happened.

Then the creature’s ears stood at attention—poised as a sentinel in the night. Its head jerked forward. Its eyes sent a beam of light streaking across the blackness of the room. More eyes looked at me, now aroused by what appeared to be a signal for them to approach.

They lumbered toward me. I wanted to run, but couldn’t feel my legs. Paralyzed, I fought with the covers. But it was no use. I tried to speak, but nothing came out. I gagged on the continuing flow of acid. Experiencing fright beyond my wildest imagination, I screamed for help, but only I seemed to hear it.

I began to wheeze—breathing became difficult. I struggled not to black out. What did this being want? I thought. What had I done to deserve this? The fear within me became overwhelming. I didn’t want to die. I gasped for air, but . . .

I closed my eyes hoping to make the nightmare disappear. Although I saw nothing, the demon’s presence grew stronger. I felt it touching my body. The others seemed to leap from across the room up onto the bed. Certain, death was imminent, I began to pray for forgiveness.

“I’m not a bad person. I do lie a little. And I stole a package of gum when I was twelve. But hasn’t everybody, at one time or another?” I moaned in desperation. Let it be over quickly. I can’t take much more of this. “Just let me go in peace,” I whimpered.

The alien being’s grip tightened on me. The other creatures seemed to be poking something cold and wet into my nose and cheeks. “Stop it!” I cried out, but I didn’t have a clue if anybody heard me. Where was my wife? Had she escaped? Or did they get her? Was she dead?

I trembled. Sweat poured out of every pore in my body. The monster began shaking me. I swayed back and forth. The nails of the predator dug into my arms. I thought I heard words, but I couldn’t understand a thing. I had to beat my fears and open my eyes to see what was happening. With every ounce of courage I could muster, I looked the creature straight in the eyes, surrounded by black rings, and bellowed, “Get that flashlight out of my eyes.”

The dogs jumped away from my face and the ugliest woman I’d ever seen—hair in curlers with black goop around her eyes and a brownish cream all over her face—stared at me and yelled, “You’ve kept me up the whole night with all your moaning and groaning. Now you’re up, too. Enjoy the moment.”

“Yes, darling,” I murmured, and buried my head in the pillow.

Copyright © 2016 Alan Lowe. All rights reserved.

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