Tuesday, September 17, 2019

When you’re in a conversation, do you listen to every word? Do people use the same words over and over again?

And, if they do, which ones are used the most? If you “listen” carefully, you might find out 
in . . .


The other day, I read a really cool article on the fifteen most overused words in the English language—like, love, . . . nice, . . . so, really, sweet, . . . cool. Yup, seriously, totally, awesomeLiterally, ridiculous, . . . gross. Whatever!

The article pointed out it was so ridiculous how often these words are used. The examples given totally overwhelmed me. But—whatever, I thought.

Now I couldn’t imagine using these words myself. For that wouldn’t be so cool. So, it never could happen.

Well seriously, using many of these words so often would be totally gross and literally ridiculous.

But in other respects, the article made some awesome points, such as how sweet it is to dabble in cool words.

Words form the foundation of our society. It is so totally awesome to use them to get our points across to our audience.

But seriously, I love the thought the author communicated to the reader that the use of words can be really cool, but also gross.

Yup, it’s really important to take language seriously. Literally speaking, you need to be so in love with words to be considered cool.

I showed the article to a friend and he responded, “Nice points being made—totally awesome and literally cool. Love it that you shared the article with me.”

Sweet,” I replied. “Like that you really got it. Love your insight. Nice analysis. Yup, I can see you totally agree. Really awesome.”

He looked at me, shrugged and responded, “Whatever. Words are words. The more you use them, the more sweet it is.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Like you can’t just throw them around without considering the impact they have on people. That would be totally gross.”

So, whatever. I think this conversation really has gotten ridiculous. Seriously, why worry about words so much. That’s so totally uncool. But, whatever.”

Like you’ve really missed the author’s point completely. Seriously, you can’t believe you can take the use of words for granted?”

Yup, sure can. But love your commitment to them. Really awesomeSo sweet. Nice.”

“Well, whatever. We all can’t be totally and seriously committed to how sweet it is to understand and literally fall in love with words.”

A Closing Dedication

Yup, this poem is dedicated to seriously cool, awesome people who believe it is really totally sweet to love words that they, like, treat with respect and literally place on a pedestal, when others believe such actions are ridiculous and even gross. So, whatever. This is the way it was meant to be. Nice.

Note: Number of Times Each Word Was Used in the Poem—like (5), love (8), nice (5), so (12), really (10), sweet (7), cool (9), yup (5), seriously (8), totally (10), awesome (7), literally (6), ridiculous (6), gross (5), whatever (7).

Copyright © 2019 Alan Lowe. All rights reserved.