Tuesday, October 29, 2019

You meet the perfect person. The one you have searched for your entire life.


You dream of a heavenly future together. However, things do not always work out the way you want them to, as is the case in . . .



Eye On (ion) You


The train pulled into the station causing me great elation, as I waited in anticipation,

For you, the woman of my dreams, for whom I had great admiration, the wonderful addition to my life—an absolute sensation.


Weeks of being apart caused me great frustration, as you traveled with your delegation, across the nation.

Your determination to be a leader was an inspiration to all those you met, as your enthusiasm propelled you without limitation.


I wanted to throw myself into your arms, with no hesitation, and share with you the realization of the loneliness I felt during our separation.

In my heart, my perception was that you felt the same way about me and would welcome the occasion to embrace the moment without reservation.


I met you two years ago at my son’s high school graduation. As I sat in celebration of his accomplishments, our eyes meshed—in flirtation.

You were everything I had ever dreamed of, my passion in life. At the ceremony’s conclusion, I made my way toward you, hoping to make a lasting impression.


But as I crossed the aisle to make my introduction, you disappeared with energization into the crowd—gone—leaving me in complete disorientation.

With my heart pounding and emotion heightened, I searched for the vision of you, my future, in an effort to form a possible association.


I drifted through the horde with the intention of seeing you again and hoped for a warm interaction, one where I would not experience humiliation.

Losing my concentration, I forgot where I was going. My miscalculation forced me into a group of people heading toward the exit, and I tripped over my own feet falling into the procession.


As I tried to gain my balance to correct my indiscretion, a hand grabbed my arm improving my stabilization, which lessened my tribulation.

I looked up to show my appreciation for the help provided me in improving my condition and stared into your eyes, my beautiful obsession.


However, today, as you approached me from the train, it seemed to be with apprehension. And as I attempted to get your attention, your mind appeared to be going in a different direction.

On your face, you displayed a sense of contemplation, but of what was beyond my imagination. I struggled to maintain my composure amid this manifestation.


Our eyes met, but yours were void of any recognition of me, as I stood in isolation focusing on our future together falling apart without explanation.

In desperation, I called out to you, trying to inspire communication, but my words were blurred by another train rattling into the station.


I bent my head in an effort to recover from the depression engulfing me, but then, out of nowhere, an explosion rocked me into oblivion.

People raced in every direction, screaming for help and protection from the nightmarish event that gave birth to the train platforms horrible transformation.


Blood everywhere, covering everybody—an unwanted transfusion. Finding you would be my only salvation. But you were not there in the moment’s confusion.

What had I done to deserve being drawn into this act of mutilation? Could I fix the situation? “Oh God,” I howled. And then, out of the smoke emerged a she-devilish protrusion.


She spoke in soft, alluring tones, “Emersion from life into the flames of Hell is your fate. Your dedication to me exceeded my expectation.

You may think I am an illusion, a figment of your imagination, but I am real and you are mine, for I have taken your soul as confirmation.”



Copyright © 2018 Alan Lowe. All rights reserved.

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