Friday, June 5, 2020

How confident are you in your ability to face each day? Do you have the courage to speak your mind?

What must you do to succeed? In order to be prepared, you may need to engage in a  . . .


 Dress Rehearsal

The alarm clock buzzed, announcing a new day. You roll out of bed and prepare to face the challenges you will encounter on the job—a demanding workplace where you will engage an audience that has high expectations of how you should act.

You need to be ready—properly dressed and focused. And so you begin the day with a “Dress Rehearsal.” Since you need to perform your role on life’s stage with the expertise of an accomplished actor, you need to deliver your lines with precision to get your points across.

You position yourself in front of the mirror hanging on your bedroom wall. As an imaginary curtain rises, you stare at the audience you anticipate facing in just over an hour. With script in head, the dialogue of the character you are trying to be flows past your lips. Although you rehearse for what seems to be an eternity, a polished performance does not come to fruition.

So how can you face your real audience with confidence? And how do you prove to them the words you utter should be taken seriously? These thoughts rumble through your mind.

Sometimes the words spew forth as planned, while, at other times, the flow hits a mental dam, silencing your verbal presentation. Anxiety builds up inside of you when ideas are plentiful, but no matter how hard you try, you cannot find the words to express them. Disillusioned, you bow your head and hope for a second chance.

The alarm clock buzzed, announcing a new day and another dress rehearsal. And each subsequent day, history seems to repeat itself, as you rehearse the script embedded in your mind. Becoming more comfortable with your performance, you now are ready to excel on life’s stage.


Copyright © 2020 Alan Lowe. All rights reserved.


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