Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Have you ever regretted what you didn’t do? It may have crossed your mind, but you didn’t act on it.


Then, without warning, it comes back to haunt you. This may be the case in . . .



You’re Taking Me Outside?


“Stay,” she said, laughing.

“What am I, your dog?” I asked.

“Down, boy,” she responded.


“Trust me. This isn’t going to work.”

“You do want a treat, don’t you?”

“And what might that be?” I inquired.


“Something very special,” she replied.

“A reward? I could be persuaded to accept that.”

“Well, maybe not a reward.”


“Then what?” I queried, somewhat frustrated.

“Be patient, you’ll see, my love,” she whispered.

“All right, I’ll try, but not for long.”


She got up from the couch and left the room.

I sat in the armchair puzzled by what had occurred.

She seemed to be gone an awful long time.


“Are you coming back?” I yelled, exasperated.

She didn’t answer.

Then she appeared, with a leash in her hand.


This was strange, since we didn’t have a dog.

“You’re not putting that on me, are you?” I quipped.

“If it will get you to go, then why not?”


“Go where?”

“You’ll see. Just relax.”

 “This is getting weird,” I said, as I wiggled around in the chair.


All of a sudden, she came toward me, with a gleam in her eye.

Startled, I stopped wiggling and looked at her in awe.

Before I knew what was happening, she attached the leash to my belt.


“Oh, my god!” I screamed. “What are you doing? Are you nuts?”

“Come, my sweet,” she sang out, as she yanked me out of my seat.

Not having any good ideas about what to do, I followed her.


She headed toward the door.

“Oh, no! You’re taking me outside?”

I tried to get away, but was caught by surprise by her strength.


She pulled the door open and yanked me through it.

And then, it all became obvious—something I’d forgotten about.

I put my “tail” between my legs and fell into line behind the others.


Our annual block doggie pet parade was underway.

She looked at me with a smirk on her face and said,

“Now aren’t you sorry we didn’t adopt that cute little Yorkie from the animal shelter?”



Copyright © 2020 Alan Lowe. All rights reserved.

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