Tuesday, June 25, 2024

You made growing up easy. I could share my feelings and thoughts with you.


But then you disappeared from my life. I have only one request, . . .



Let’s Talk


You avoid me like the plague

and I don’t know why.

I thought we were lifelong friends,

until the day we die.


My heart is heavy—

saddled with grief.

I don’t know what happened

and live each day in disbelief.


You don’t answer my emails

or respond to a call.

I feel like I’ve climbed a mountain,

only to fall—


Fall into the depths

of the ocean below.

Struggling to survive,

I have nothing to show.


My efforts have left me

with little hope.

Each day it becomes

harder and harder to cope.


So I bury my head in the pillow

on my bed,

And pray things may change,

before I join the dead.



Copyright © 2024 Alan Lowe. All rights reserved.

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