Sunday, September 29, 2024

You find the one to make your life whole again. But do you have the courage to make it happen?


Is this the right time? You think . . .


I Have So Much To Prove


You look at me in way that makes me quiver.

I stand in awe, as if on the bank of a mighty river.

I want to approach you, but choose not to do so.

It is my choice and, right of wrong, I don’t know.

You flash a smile that makes me think I have a chance.

Should I leap into the unknown to find romance?

Worlds apart, we are different in every way.

My mind is mush, words buried within, I don’t know what to say.

So I bow my head and pray for the courage to make the right move.

Having failed many times before, I have so much to prove.



Copyright © 2024 Alan Lowe. All rights reserved.

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