Tuesday, June 13, 2023

It can be difficult to navigate life’s road. The darkness can be overwhelming.


Then when all seems lost, you reach an unexpected . . .





A bitter wind whistled through the bare branches of the oak trees.

A young man looked out his window into the dark night

and quivered at the thought of what life held for him.

At twenty-two, he stood alone in a world that rejected him

and sent him spiraling into despair.


The young man turned away from the window.

His eyes fell on the room that mirrored his existence—a pathetic setting 

furnished with rummage sale rejects.

He walked toward the mirror that hung askew on the wall

and stared at the creature reflecting back at him.

What he saw frightened him.


“What am I here for?” he murmured. “I have no purpose.”

As his world grew dimmer, there was a knock on the door.

”Go away!” he screamed. “My life is over. My time has come. Just let me go.”


Another rap on the door jarred him back to the reality of the moment.

He dragged his tired, aching body to the door and reluctantly turned the knob.

He pulled it toward him and looked into the pleading eyes of a young boy—

a boy who looked much like he did at age twelve—lost and alone.

He extended his hand and the boy grasped it in a way that sent chills 

through his body.


“Please help me,” the child whimpered. "I am your younger brother."

He pulled his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the tears 

from the lad’s eyes.

He ushered him in and sat him down on a rickety chair and knelt before him.


A bright light illuminated the room, for now he knew what his purpose was. 

He couldn’t let this child—his brother—lose his way, as he’d done ten years earlier.

He’d been given a second chance to avoid the mistakes of his past.

He’d reached the peak of a mountain he’d never thought he could climb—

the climax of his long journey.



Copyright © 2023 Alan Lowe. All rights reserved.

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