Monday, May 20, 2024

Sometimes you do something you can’t explain. You’re scared and confused.


So you run, believing . . .


It’s Time


I looked to my left; I looked to my right.

I couldn’t find my way in the dark of night.

Sirens blared and I saw a car,

Lights blinking from afar.

I wondered if it was heading my way.

And if it was, what would I say?

Scared of what might occur, I began to run.

The sweat poured from my skin and I hid my gun.

My gun? Where it came from I had no idea.

Not believing I committed a crime, I still ran in fear.

Then I felt a hand placed upon my shoulder.

I began to shake, as the evening got colder.

I turned and looked into loving eyes.

Seeing my mother was quite a surprise.

My water gun dropped from my pocket to the ground.

It hit with a splash and made a weird sound.

Mom took my hand and softly said,

“My darling little boy, it’s time to go back to bed.”



Copyright © 2024 Alan Lowe. All rights reserved.

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