Friday, May 31, 2024

We want to discover what the future holds. We envision the realization of our dreams.


To reach our destination, we travel a sometimes-circuitous road trying to find out . . .



What Awaits Us


We believe we know what awaits us and what we must do.

Yet, when we come face to face with our future, not everything comes true.


The waves of life splash upon the shore,

Not fulfilling our expectations, we want more.


Our dreams unfold before us, stimulating both heart and soul,

But the bruises sustained in life’s travels have taken their toll.


We must stand strong, however, and reach for the stars above—

Pray for happiness, peace of mind, and, above all, love—


Love of life and those who play a role in helping us unravel its mystery.

So swim carefully, stay afloat; don’t drown in life’s confusing sea.



Copyright © 2024 Alan Lowe. All rights reserved.

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